Carving Fork - Tramontina
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Carving Fork


The carving form is entirely made in stainless steel, does not release any residues on food keeping it healthy. Highly durable, keeps original features preserving looks, hygiene and durability of material. The utensils have a hole in the handle so they can be part of the kitchen decor. It is safe for daily use in the dishwasher.

SKU: 63815/471 Categories: , Tag:

All good cooks understand the importance of having utensils that make their daily routine in the kitchen easier. With Tramontina’s stainless steel carving fork with a glossy finish, you can prepare perfect dishes. This carving fork from the Extrata line offers all the quality, durability and beauty of stainless steel and the hole in the handle allows you to include it in your kitchen decor for a modern, elegant and sophisticated touch.

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