Fish Fork - Tramontina
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Fish Fork


A fork with internally polished tines, perfectly shaped for the mouth, and with round edges for more comfortable use. Entirely made in stainless steel, preserving original features and looks, maintaining hygiene and durability of material. Mirror and satin finish. Suitable for daily use in any environment.

SKU: 63929/250 Categories: , Tag:

To enjoy a delicious fish fillet with white sauce, you need proper utensils. And Tramontina’s Renascença stainless steel fish fork is just perfect for this! Made entirely of stainless steel, this fork is nicely shaped with polished tines and delicately rounded edges that make its wear comfortable and safe. Highly durable, it’s also very easy to clean and dishwasher safe. A refined item that will transform your meals!

Additional Information
Weight 0.065 kg
Dimensions 20.3 × 2.6 × 2.1 cm
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