Table Fork - Tramontina
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Table Fork


A fork with internally polished tines, perfectly shaped for the mouth, and with round edges for more comfortable use. Stainless steel, highly durable, maintains original features preserving the material’s appearance, hygiene and durability. Safe for daily use in the dishwasher.

SKU: 63986/020 Categories: , Tag:

The utensils with beauty, quality and durability can only be found here in Tramontina. The Tramontina stainless steel tableware Zurich has a beautiful high-gloss finish that will add more elegance to the environment. It is made of stainless steel, which guarantees much more resistance, in addition to providing more practicality in your routine, and it can be washed daily in the dishwasher without risk of damaging the material.

Additional Information
Weight 0.0449 kg
Dimensions 20.2 × 2.6 × 2.3 cm
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