Table Fork - Tramontina
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Table Fork


A fork with polished teeth on the inside, to provide greater comfort in use, with an appropriate shape for the mouth and rounded edges. Entirely made of highly durable stainless steel, it maintains its original characteristics, preserving the material’s beauty, hygiene and durability. It can be washed daily in the dishwasher.

SKU: 63928/020 Categories: , Tag:

A delicious dish deserves a perfect tasting! And for that, use the Tramontina Classic stainless steel table fork! A fork that will make your daily meals perfect, as it is made of stainless steel with a beautiful high gloss finish. Highly functional, it has polished teeth on the inside that, together with the rounded edges, make them adapt perfectly to the shape of the mouth and provide greater comfort in use. Best of all, it is very easy to clean and can be washed in the dishwasher every day without compromising its original qualities. The fork that will make your meals much more complete and stylish!

Additional Information
Weight 0.067 kg
Dimensions 20.2 × 2.6 × 2.0 cm
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